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Is FlipSystem a MLM Company but Pretend to be a CRM Company?

Kevin Savelsburg
Posted Mar 31 2024, 21:51

Hi Investors,

I'm new to Real Estate Investment last year(2023). When I saw Antoine Martel from FlipSystem Posting Advertisement on social media like this:
"You only need $10K ~ $30K to invest in RealEsate doing Flipping and make 100% ROI in 4 months"
"My clients in FlipSystem averagely spend 4 hours in managing each Flip Project"
"We help you to quite your JOB in couple of months by doing Flipping"
"We have few hundreds of success happy client - (Actually there might be few hundreds of clients losing their hard working money)"
And lots of other advertisement stating: "Easy, Fast, Low RISK" in their program

I thought: "Wow, doing Flipping is so easy and profitable and low-bar to enter in, I should join their program and start make money!", then I contacted them and in order to join their program, you have to put down $15K and $200/month for their deal sourcing service, and they asked to sign a disclosure that basically states: "We not taking liability to what we advertised and we are not refund if you buy some property in 30 days".

I felt like this is Scam already but I really want to know how to make money from doing Flipping, so I signed and tried the program. After doing the program for couple of deals, I find out it is almost impossible to make profit on doing Flip with their system, since they are providing these stuff:
1.Sourcing clients with deals on Zillow, that is anybody can do that, you can't buy a property with very low prices
2.Asking un-credited investors to borrow Hard Money Loan, I don't really think anyone don't have much experience should borrow Hard Money Loan, with balloon loan mechanism, it is basically teaching new-bees to suicide.!
3.Charing multiple fees in every parts of the game, including deal sourcing and other stuff - (I assume they might also be able to get kickbacks from each deal or rehab construction), after all these fees been charged, investors can hardly make profit.
4.They are manipulating reviews and comments, if you say anything bad they will kick you out of their chat group and they will ask people to do "Great" Review to boost their reputation online or on their website
5.There are many other things they do is unethical

After I doing few deals, I already loss some money and still have some projects stuck in my hand! Even though some deals I made $10K, but I'd like to say it is totally not worth it, the stress(From HML and fear of losing money) and time I invested(few hundred hours in managing each project), $10K is really too little in a project, at least a Flip Project should make $50K, otherwise it is totally not worth it. So My conclusion is:
1.Should not borrow HML unless you have to, because they will take most of profit from the deal and add lot of RISK to the project
2.There many RISKs from the City as well, FlipSystem is never teaching RISKs on this side and guarantee anything. I like to say there are many RISK in Tile and City Code, I have a property even got Condemnation to Demolishing the property, I'm so scared once I received that notice.
3.FlipSystem is not providing exclusive value, because you can find the deals on Zillow yourself, find your own local Realtor and interview your own local Contractor, they just to provide their connection to you! But maybe their connections get too many JOBs, they don't cares about their clients.
4.FlipSystem is basically MLM company, they use Fake exaggerated advertisement to lure new customers in, asking new customer to sign disclosure with them so they don't have any liabilities to their advertisement, then what they providing is their connections from Agent to Contractor and they charge you more on these things!

Overall, I learned there are many aspect sand parts in a Flip: from Realtor, City Inspector, City Code, Contractor, Designer etc. Each parts of this loop could be broken and get investors stuck, therefore, Flipping is a very high risk, experience and team&networking based game, it is not for everyone, the chances to win the game is low!

It is not only me felt in this way since during the last few months, there are few other people get in touch with me. They all stuck in their projects and Hard Money Loan, some of them even cry in the phone because they are into big trouble! Investing is not easy as FlipSystem advertised and they are not taking any responsibilities! What Antoine and FlipSystem is doing is unethical, if you get Scammed, please contact me directly, we can have a group chat to share our experiences!

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