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Posted over 13 years ago

Banks stopping foreclosures.... And?

By now, everyone should know that those sneaky places that give away more money than they actually have are under a lot of heat behind these record number of foreclosures. While the rest of America is logged into and not taking a wink while watching NBC evening news, I'm not losing an ounce of sleep because it doesn't affect me at all.  Being in real estate, I know some close to me have pondered "hope Dennis is going to be alright". Well I appreciate the concern but trust me, I'll be OK. 

Firstly, real estate offers so many different ways to make money that it's ridiculous. The hard part is learning them but once you get discover the diamond in the rough, your set for an enjoyable ride on the Road to Success. We've got probates, short sales, vacant homes, inherited homes, divorces, people that need money, free and clear.......... I'm going to end with that but that just the tip of the barrel.

If all you were doing was REO's, then maybe it's time for you to try something new. Don't even begin to worry and let the worst thing to happen to TV since the remote, make you think it's all over. No I'm not talking about VH1. Talking about the news. (Holding my fingers to the TV crossed when it comes on). 

So big bad Bank of America, JP jibber jabber Morgan and full of shivers, CitiGroup are all issuing temporary moratoriums on new home foreclosure activity in anticipation of Obama's plan to subsidize mortgage payments. In regular everyday terms, to me, looks like the governments going to give out some more of our hard earned money. Wasn't the $115 billion enough the first time? Guess with BP losing so much oil in our once beautiful oceans, those execs need more money to cover the cost to fly on G5 jets to vacation resorts in Manabooboo (not a real place but should be).

I pray for the millions of people losing their homes to foreclosure and I hope (almost certain that it's not) that this money is spent wisely and more efficiently than the last few times big money has been put on a silver platter. Like I said, this is not going to get to me and I hope you reading this either. Turn off that tv use that newspaper to clean your windows. Go to Barnes & Noble and read a book. Preferably an inspiring book. Works wonders for the mind. Trust me I know. 

My question is what do you think about what's going on with the recent foreclosures? How will it affect you if at all? Is there something I'm missing?
